In recent days major Indian ISP like Jio and Airtel have gone ahead and enforced blanket bans on most porn sites. We at Xgen are of the belief that this is an attack on the freedom of expression and the right to personal liberty and have come up with an easy way to bypass such authoritarian censorship.
The ISP is able to sniff out the websites you are trying to visit as the DNS queries are going via them, the best way to bypass this is to use a public DNS. In this tutorial, we will be using the DNS servers hosted by Cloudflare. This will not only enable you to bypass the ban but as an added advantage make your web browsing faster! A recent benchmark shows that Cloudflare’s DNS services are faster than the most popular global DNS services as can be seen below.
Global Average
#1 CloudFlare: 4.98 ms
#2 Google: 16.44 ms
#3 Quad9: 18.25 ms
#4 CleanBrowsing: 19.14 ms
#5 Norton: 34.75 ms
#6 OpenDNS: 46.51 ms
#7 Comodo: 71.90
#8 Yandex: 169.91
For those of you who are tech savvy enough go ahead and change your DNS as follows
Primary DNS to and Seconday DNS to
For the more simpler folks out there worry not follow the install instructions at and surf the internet without censorship!!